What We Believe


We believe that the Bible is the only infallible, inspired true word of God. To be accurate, authoritative and relevent, revealing God’s love to us.

We believe in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things who is love, holy and just. That exists as God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the one and only Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Mary and is both God and man. He lived a sinless, holy and annointed life and brought the kingdom of God upon the earth. That he was crucified on the cross in our place, died and was buried then rose from the dead alive and sits at the right hand of God. That Jesus Christ is coming back in all power and Glory.

We believe that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God and that sin seperates us from a holy and loving God. That all people will come under the judgement of God.

We believe that by repenting of our sins, receiving Jesus Christ love and forgiveness in our heart as Savior and Lord submitting to his will that we are forgiven and become a new creation, “Born again” and saved. Redeemed and restored to God by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross making us sons and daughters of God. That Jesus Christ is the only way, the only Truth, the only Life by which we can attain salvation.

We believe in an eternal heaven which Jesus has promised eternal life with him for all those who believe and do his will and a eternal hell for those who reject him to live in eternal darkness and torment apart from Christ.

We believe in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit promised to all believers to have supernatual power and authority to be all that Jesus has meant them to be. To love, forgive and walk as Jesus walked, destroying all the works of the devil, empowered to be true witnesses and examples of Christ to our world around us. To reveal God’s power through the manifestations of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that all would believe and be made whole through the love of Christ.

We believe that all believers in Christ are to be water baptised as Jesus Christ was baptised and ordained us to do so as well as an act of obedience and a public declaration as followers of Christ. Moving from death into a brand new life with Jesus.

We believe in the unity of the body of Christ, his church, his bride. That all true believers are members of the body of Christ to grow into maturity in fellowship being equipped by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers to be fruitful making disciples and followers of Christ.

We believe to be like Christ is to put our faith into action. To love, give and pray for others more importantly than ourselves and do all that we can to meet not only their spiritual needs but their physical needs as well. When having a servant mentality we become the true disciples of Christ.

We believe that God ordained marraige between a man (created male) and a woman (created female) to be one in spirit, mind and in body for His glory. A covenant with each other and with a holy God who loves and sanctifies it with his blessings.

We believe in knowing your identity in Christ by the simple truth of the Gospel and who Jesus says you are.  Enabling you to walk out your identity by faith and without fear. Not as a orphan but a true son and daughter of the most high God.